Many amateur radio operators collect what is known as QSL cards.  These are snail-mail or electronic-mail cards that are exchanged to confirm the contact, or QSO.  An eagle painted on a brick wall that I found on the internet caught my eye shortly after 9/11.  Using it as the backdrop, with a bit of PhototShop I created my QSL card shown here.  If you make a contact with me this is what you will receive.

My other station is located in the house just off the master bedroom.  It consists of an ICOM-756 PRO III transceiver, an Ameritron AL-811 amplifier and the usual accessories.

Me At My Amateur Radio Station

Recent photograph, Nov 7, 2009 of me at my station in the house.  If you look under the lamp you will see a microphone. This is the station where I sometimes operate slow scan digital television.  In SSTV, as it is called, the operators coordinate the sending and receiving of pictures using voice over single sideband or SSB.

Also if you look close you will find a copy of my original QSL card, K0GER under the glass on the left side of the table.  This was sent to me by Larry, W0HXS, the custodian of the Ensor museum (W9BSP) in my home town.  Larry found this when he was organizing some items at the museum and made a copy - it is a very prized item in my shack - thanks Larry!

Radio Station W5GW This is the radio station in the house.